Tuesday, March 16

Say Hello.

Hello and welcome to day one :D

Actually this is supposed to be the first serious entry an not just a short and hearty hello, like yesterday, or a senseless compilation. But like probably every other "first" thing in life, writing the first entry sucks. Blah. I guess I should stop complaining.

Anyways. Singing lesson today was nice, Mrs. Linda is awesome. I really enjoy to be there, in this little room with the disgustingly green carpet on the floor and all the old people stuff around (I know that sounds weird. But it's true). The conversation afterwards with her and Roxxie was very nice and defenitely one of the nicest ones here in the States so far. At least now I know how I can smarten up my eventually future offsprings. Sometimes old people just rule :D
By the way - just less than 3 month to go. Which should give me a very nice and fuzzy feeling, but actually it just reminds me of going back to school at home - are my elections for my future subjects back home still not done. But that's just what's happening when I don't want to do something - I force myself to not think about it. Yes I know, that's not right and makes stuff worse but so far it didn't really harm me...so I don't care what I am supposed to do. Screw it :D
And no, I'm still not done with even one of the new books and magazines I bought on sunday. I'm really confused about that because usually I just can't stop reading if I have new books - especially if I'm on a break like I am right now (spring break, hihihi). But yeah.
So I'm still working on "A Decade Of Curious People And Dangerous Ideas". And I'm really not far, on page 35 or so. Shame on me, I know.

Shame on me anyways; instead of enjoying my time here I can't stop thinking about being probably on vacation with my friend when I come back home. For a few days now. Especially because I'm still not totally happy about the idea. I mean I really want to go there, it's my second home and I couldn't think about a more beautiful place - but also I can't imagine to be together with her for four weeks after we havn't seen eachother for almost a year, I don't know if we still can stand each other....
I just hope everything is going to work out like it mostly works out for me. And till then I lay back and listen to summer music that reminds me of home. German reggea is the magical word. Even if I usually don't like it.
But appearently there is no such thing as usual and normal here in the States for me.

Mood: Weird. Hungry. Not very motivated.
Song of the day: Seed - Aufstehn!

Positive thing of the day: singing lesson
Negative thing of the day: my Whataburger burger
Quote of the day: "Schmecker" - Roxxie (even if it's a kinda half German word :D)
Days to go: 82-90

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